
Exchange Traded Funds Gainers and Losers

Week of May 29th, 2017

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One change we like to track are the ETFs that move up into Quintile 1&2 and those that drop to Quintile 4&5 in a given week.  This can many times give you early opportunities of an exchange traded fund that is is gathering strength, and likewise one that is clearly under performing the broader range of funds.

Moving into Quintile 1&2

GAF – S&P Emerging Middle East

gaf S&P Africa ETF Fund

IAI – iShares US Broker Dealers

PBW – Powershares Clean Energy ETF

FXI – iShares China Large Cap ETF

Dropping Down to Quintile 4&5 (Underperformance)

SCHD – Schwab US Dividend Equity ETF (this one might be a surprise, but remember this is based upon comparison to all the other tracked ETFs.  So, you can have an ETF that is still bullish but compared to the rest of the 160+ tracked it might underperform in comparision.  You see this is very bullish markets – and this one is basically flat over 3 months despite the gains this past week)

JJC – iPath Copper ETF

copper etf

  1. Earl McHugh says:

    I want to find a way to navigate this site. I have clicked many items but never get there. First, for example, where are the ETFs ranked? Where is the Heat Map? When I enter an item as a question, I get no answer. Sorry to be so stupid, but I need HELP>

    1. Mark Soberman says:

      Earl, you need to be logged in. If you go here: and use your logins you’ll be taken to the Dashboard. From there then you can click on the Heat Map, among other choices. Once you login it takes you here: There you’ll see the main menu choices.

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